New standards

News in the area of guidelines and standards

Last update: Q3 2024

Standardization is an ongoing process, trying to keep up with the 'state of art' of technology. As a result, standards are being updated and replaced in an increasing rate. Keeping up to date is a laborious task. Kiwa Dare monitors the changes and report them on this page for you. In this regular column, we'll try to keep you as much as possible up to date of changes and expected modifications.

Important Notices:

These pages contain the most commonly used standards and guidelines by Kiwa Dare. Standards not included in this overview can be applied on request. A complete overview of harmonized standards is included in the overview (if applicable).

bekijk de tabel EMC Automotive

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

EMC Automotive


In the column 'Status' the following codes are used:
  • A: Amendment
  • B: Basic standard
  • C: Correction
  • G: Generic standard
  • H: Harmonised standard
  • P: Product standard
  • D: Directive
  • R: Regulation
  • TR: Technical Reference
  • M: Manufacturer specific requirements

The validity of the standards/directives etc. is color coded:
  • Green: Valid
  • Orange: Will be changed or replaced soon
  • Red: No longer valid
  • Blue: Transition period
  • Yellow: Can be used as technical reference document
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Identification Description Status Version Date of issue Remarks
Regulation 10 (Rev. 6)

Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to electromagnetic compatibility

R Rev. 6 2019-11-20 Supersedes Regulation 10 Rev. 5. Transition period till 1 September 2022. For the vehicle type which are not equipped with a coupling system to charge the REESS, or for component or separate technical unit which doesn’t include a coupling part to charge the REESS the previous Revision will still be accepted by the contracting parties, see section 13.2 Transitional provisions.
Regulation 10 (Rev. 6) Amend 1

Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to electromagnetic compatibility

A NA- 2020-10-30 --
Nieuw Regulation 10 (Rev. 6) Amend 2

Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to electromagnetic compatibility

A NA- 2022-12-28 --